ELI5, why do 24 fps movies feel smooth but 24 fps games feel bad


ELI5, why do 24 fps movies feel smooth but 24 fps games feel bad

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7 Answers

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Let’s simplify the question down to a dot moving across the screen, so we can focus on the important stuff.

In a movie, this dot would be filmed on a camera with decent resolution as it travels at a normal, discernable speed across the screen. Even if it goes too fast, it registers as motion blur on the camera.

In a game, the same dot is an approximation made with polygons, without any motion blur. Each frame is rendered at a fixed position. So in the intermediate positions, the dot may appear to not move at all, and then suddenly jump to catch up. Games will not render the intermediate states as a blurry superposition between two “static” positions.

Also, TV/Movie FPS is a consistent 24fps. Gaming 24fps is an average, and might actually be 20 frames in the first half of a second, and 4 frames in the next half.

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