eli5: why do mouth numbing gels like orajel numb your mouth and teeth but not hands/skin?


it numbs my tongue instantly but even after 5-10 minutes on skin it feels exactly the same.

In: 57

14 Answers

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Your mouth (cheeks and gums) are a different type of tissue than skin. It’s much more absorptive and permeable than skin (which is specificlly designed to not absorb stuff you’re touching).

Think about places where hot sauce burns to touch. Eyes, nose lining, mouth/lips, anus, genitals. All of those are mucous membranes, so the spice sinks in. But put some Frank’s Red hot on your palm and it doesn’t feel any different than water – regular skin doesn’t absorb stuff on contact (nearly as much), mucous membranes do.

It’s the same reason you have to snort certain drugs and can’t just rub some of the powder between your hands or on your arm or something. Mucous membranes absorb stuff much more.

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