eli5 why do some types of vehicles have a wiper on the rear window and others do not?


eli5 why do some types of vehicles have a wiper on the rear window and others do not?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cars that have a straight rear part usually have wipers, because the aerodynamics in these cars create in these models a slipstream that takes all the air flow to stick to that rear window, above all, it is noticeable when it is raining, wetting and dirtying the rear window. If you want to perform any rear gear maneuver, the rear windshield wiper is essential.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A few reasons… some is just a model option. The main difference is the style of car body. A hatchback, station wagon or SUV suffer from a swirling pocket of air being the car that picks up water from the spray off the rear tires and puts it on the rear window. This obviously includes salt and mud that would obstruct the rear visibility. A sedan with a more sloped back window and a trunk has a smoother air flow from over the car that is far less likely to deposit salt/mud on the glass. I think you’ll find the vast majority of sedans do not have rear wipers and most other vehicles do.