Eli5 Why does bad posture feel so…. good.


Eli5 Why does bad posture feel so…. good.

In: Biology

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For the same reason why staying in shape, eating healthy, or a lot of generally good things might be hard for a lot of people: it takes work and we’re often very lazy and can’t be bothered hahah.. if feels good to eat junk food (until you’re a certain age lol) and do various other things, but in the long run, it’s not the best for your body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Smoking DMT makes me really feel my posture and automatically sit upright and put everyhting in the correct position. It’s only then when I really f*eel* my posture.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In my understanding, which doesn’t go much further than a 5 year olds.
Humans adapt. We’ve adapted to the constant sitting and typing, or just sitting in general.
If we sat constantly, we’d be comfortable when slouched forward.
It’s the standing up the issue, we want to revert back to what we’ve adapted to, sitting. When we stand, we have to use muscles that weren’t used previously.
Good posture is hard

Anonymous 0 Comments

As others have pointed out already, it feels good because it’s usually the most economic way for your body to be. Forcing yourself to be in ‘good posture’ takes more muscles and more energy, so it feels awkward. Also ‘bad posture’ isn’t proven to be bad in any way by science so you shouldn’t worry about it too much.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It will catch up to you.

Sincerely, 26 and getting over a back injury with newfound appreciation for good posture and listening to your body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Poor posture being bad is a myth that has been debunked by many different studies. We naturally avoid the types of bad posture that are actually harmful, and posture practises to “fix” bad posture while shown to have significant improvement in your posture have also shown to do absolutely nothing for the pain usually attributed to “poor posture”.

Read this for more (it also includes citations to studies) https://www.painscience.com/articles/posture.php#sec_matter

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because your body is used to it. Over time bad posture hurts. Get good posture, keep good posture and youll be feeling much better later in life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

just a note, having core strength as well as shoulder strength makes good posture feel medium-good and in a lot of cases makes it POSSIBLE.