ELI5- Why is an iv drip so much better than drinking water?


ELI5- Why is an iv drip so much better than drinking water?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends, it isn’t always.

But if you’re throwing up/have diarrhea and can’t keep water in your stomach, an IV is a good way to rehydrate you.

I was once in the ICU after crashing my bicycle and injuring my liver, and I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink in case they needed to do emergency surgery, because you can’t have anything in your stomach during general anesthesia as you can vomit and aspirate it. So I was on an IV, and it also had antibiotics and painkillers in it. I did get a little sponge on a stick in ice water to suck on when my mouth was dry, at least.

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