Eli5 Why is it that people tend to be attracted to people in their own age group ?


When I was a teenager, thirty year olds just seemed ancient and unattractive, even like movie star good looks. Now I’m thirty and teenagers look like babies. Is there a name for this ? I know that obviously people can be attracted to anyone of any age, but in general, people seem to notice their own age group.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add onto what has been said, the longer you are around to people the more attractive they become to you as well, due to familiarity. In school, you tend to be around people your own age, so that is what your brain looks for.

That being said have you ever met some whom you thought wasn’t very attractive, but as you hang around them, they don’t no longer seem to be as unattractive, at work or school?

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