Eli5 Why is it that people tend to be attracted to people in their own age group ?


When I was a teenager, thirty year olds just seemed ancient and unattractive, even like movie star good looks. Now I’m thirty and teenagers look like babies. Is there a name for this ? I know that obviously people can be attracted to anyone of any age, but in general, people seem to notice their own age group.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It probably varies. When I was in highschool and elementary school the only sort of guys that struck me as actively attractive were between 20-30. As a 26 year old, I think that’s still true for me. I’m pretty sure it’ll be true for me even when I’m 40.

I do think you can develop a crush on someone even if they don’t strike you as actively physically attractive though (which I’m pretty sure is how middle aged people get/stay attracted to other middle aged people), unless you’re incredibly vapid and superficial.

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