Eli5 Why is it that people tend to be attracted to people in their own age group ?


When I was a teenager, thirty year olds just seemed ancient and unattractive, even like movie star good looks. Now I’m thirty and teenagers look like babies. Is there a name for this ? I know that obviously people can be attracted to anyone of any age, but in general, people seem to notice their own age group.

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4 Answers

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Yeah, it’s natural for us to want to associate and identify with people like ourselves. That includes age, but also lots of other things. Remember when you were a teenager and you sought out people to hang with that were like you. Maybe you were a jock, and hung out with that group. Or maybe you were in a fringe group that was goth. Or whatever.

Age is part of that too. You might feel mature at 17, but a 40 year old would likely view you as immature. Conversely, you might think the 40 yo is conservative and a stick in the mud.

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