[ELI5] Why is reading better than watching a movie/playing a videogame etc…?


I get that there are benefits to reading and all but what I find weird is the idea that no matter what you are reading, as long as you are reading, is a better use of your time than documentary on the same subject or playing a game?
Why? What does reading have that makes it much better? And is it really better no matter the content?

As someone who used to read a lot, many books I’ve read have been erased from my brain the same way I have with movies, and I don’t really see a difference

In: 7

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me personally, reading books is no better for memory than, say, watching a movie or playing a video game. Imo, the real advantage of reading is that you get to imagine the universe in your own way.

A movie or any other graphical medium makes it so that the situation is already painted out like the writer thought about it. J.K Rowling once said [in this interview](http://www.accio-quote.org/articles/2000/1000-npr-adler.htm), that the true joy of books was that everybody brings their own imagination to the table.

I think that books give a lot more freedom in guessing between the lines, and that’s probably it’s so great. Yeah, a movie may be shorter, or a video game might be more fun, but books will always hold a special place in my heart.

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