ELI5- why is there “good” pain (like rubbing a sore muscle), and “bad” pain? Why do they feel different?


ELI5- why is there “good” pain (like rubbing a sore muscle), and “bad” pain? Why do they feel different?

In: Biology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have to ‘feel it to heal it.’ I attended a pain integration workshop a couple weeks ago. I’ve been enjoying playing around with the information. It was a full day of info but here is a bit for ya;-)
Why pain? Something we are doing, being or experiencing is not sustainable and is or will cause damage beyond the body’s ability to adapt. This occurs when our lives need to be disrupted and:or we are resisting change.

Kinds of pain and best response:

Physical = pain of trying to avoid pain or make it go away. Increase awareness of reactions, body, and environment.

Emotional = pain of trying to control our experiences. Be responsible for our stories and beliefs about reality. Stop thinking about why or how and focus on the experience and what needs to change in our life. Practice positive emotions.

Mental = pain of not making enough progress fast enough. Recognize who you are is not what you do, say, or think. Identify what you subconsciously believe about yourself. Take inventory of your roles and what kind of relationship you have with each one. Redefine any role that does not satisfy you.

Spiritual = pain of not knowing or giving your unique gifts to the world. The most intense and disruptive pain. If you are missing your one and only chance the pain is supposed to be excruciating. Set bigger goals that involve more souls and an impact that will outlive you. It’s all about community.

Multiple perspectives: how many things can you be aware of simultaneously? The more perspectives you hold the more parts of your brain are working together. A minimum of 3 different perspectives, held simultaneously, will activate the prefrontal cortex. In order to know what to do with pain the information must be processed in the prefrontal cortex.

Posture experience: hunch into a bad posture. Try and think of a happy experience and try and think of s stressful experience. Which is easier? Now, get into an upright and open posture. Try and think of a happy experience and try and think of a stressful experience. Which is easier?
It is Amazing how immediately we can shift our perception by changing posture. I do this practice of upright and open posture all day!

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