Eli5: Wtf is all the jargon in a games files


So if you go into some of the files for a game (or most applications I think) you find notepad files with endless pages of weird ass symbols. Wtf are they and why are they used?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The programmer wrote a a programmer, the compiler/assembler took the stuff he wrote and re-wrote it so a machine could understand it.
So for example it might write.
JMP 0x2131 meaning go to the part of the code marked 0x2131.
All of this would be written in binary so it would be:

You then opened it with notepad.
Basically, you told notepad, here’s a bunch of text, read it like a text file.
So it looks up, what “11101001” is, then what “00100001”, then what”00110001″ is.
Which is “�!1”

Because you told it this was a text file, when it’s an instruction set.

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