Eli5:How do things get to Earth’s orbit?


I have some basic knowledge in physics (at least I think so) and know why objects on the orbit don’t fall down to Earth.My question is how the objects (meteor debris etc) got there.Aren’t they supposed to have the exact speed and trajectory? Did all of them manage to fit in these conditions?
Sorry for possible mistakes, English isn’t my first language

In: Physics

5 Answers

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If you throw a ball as hard as you can in a straight line forward, you’ll see that after a certain distance, it will have succumbed to gravity and fall to the ground.

If you shoot a handgun in a straight line forward, the bullet will travel further before falling to the Earth. Use a high power rifle, and it’ll be even further.

As an object starts moving fast enough, what you find is that the earth will start “falling away” just as fast as the object falls to the Earth. This is the basis for an orbit.

Every satellite we have in orbit is still majorly affected by gravity. However, they’re moving so fast to the side that they never hit the Earth.

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