How are babies delivered?


Like literally how? How a doctor takes out a baby? Is it putting the hand in a vagina and taking it out or what else? And how does this happen literally?

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5 Answers

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In a “normal” vaginal delivery, the body does most of the work on its own. The cervix (the opening between the vagina and the uterus) goes from a 1cm opening to a 10cm opening, and the uterus squeezes the baby out. The doctors are there to monitor the patient and baby, “receive” the baby, and do vital health checks as soon as the baby is born. They also make sure that the placenta delivers correctly after the baby (because it sometimes gets stuck or torn and can cause infection).

However, in a difficult delivery (breech, C-section, cord prolapse, etc.), the doctors do a lot more. Mostly, doctors are at a birth in case it suddenly turns into a difficult delivery.

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