How are babies delivered?


Like literally how? How a doctor takes out a baby? Is it putting the hand in a vagina and taking it out or what else? And how does this happen literally?

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5 Answers

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Under normal circumstances the baby is simply pushed out by the mother. The birth canal (route from womb and out through vagina) is surrounded by muscles – contractions are just those muscles tensing up. The doctor/midwife is there to guide the mother through the process.

Sometimes the baby needs a little help to get out and there are tools like forceps that the medical staff can use to help bring the baby along by essentially pulling along with the contractions, while the mother pushes.

There are also abnormal occasions, such as the baby being breached, which is when the baby is coming out feet first (should be head first as that is more streamlined) and the consultant or midwife will need to intervene to ensure safe delivery.

In extreme cases, especially where the mother and baby are at risk, the baby is delivered by C-section. This where an incision is made in the lower abdomen and the baby is pulled out through the hole created, rather than exiting via the vagina. It is also not uncommon for C-section to be elective (i.e. there is no immediate risk but C-section is used anyway)

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