How are Web Devs able to get jobs with so many Frameworks and Libraries out there ?


Every time I look up the news, there is some new framework or library making the rounds in the Web Dev world. If a dev only knows MEAN stack, how is he able to get a job when each company has it’s own set of frameworks and libraries that they use. Do web devs have to learn everything from scratch when joining a company that uses a technology that a web dev doesn’t know ?

In: 9

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it like crawl, walk, run…once you learn to crawl walking is the next step and so on. And it you learn a dance you can more easily learn a new dance because some of the moves will be the same, but if your a baby and the first thing you wanted to do is dance the latest dance your not going to be able. And maybe your really good at ball room dancing but can’t do hip-hop…just like you could do C+ but struggle with Java or whatever.

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