How can a someone completely unrelated be the best match fora kidney or bone marrow?


How can a someone completely unrelated be the best match fora kidney or bone marrow?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

First noone is completely unrelated. We are all descendants of mRNA-eve.

For organs only a few parameters need to match. One is the bloodtype, the others are tissue types and so one.

Lets stay with just the bloodtype. It’s not unlikely to find someone of the same bloodtype who you are not closely related to, and your direct relatives might by chance have a different bloodtype. (For example both your parents have AB, you have A and all your siblings B).

Kind of the same applies to all other markers.

Close relatives have the best chance per person, but there are billions of other humans so the chances someone else matches is propably higher than one of your dozen closest relatives.

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