– How do countries stop people from other countries entering theirs through the mountains, forests or water in the border?


– How do countries stop people from other countries entering theirs through the mountains, forests or water in the border?

In: 560

23 Answers

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Usually borders are made around nature, especially difficult nature. It is difficult to expand your country over a mountain for example, so you just stop expanding there. That’s just how many borders came to be.

So if you try to cross those borders, they are naturally going to be very hostile with little infrastructure or a support system.

Even if you crossed the border, there’s a good chance you can be caught by police because you look “out of place”.

Some borders are, indeed, very strictly defended, like the North-South Korean border (The Demilitarized Zone). They have many guards patrolling the border, many cameras etc. If you come from the North Korean side, you’ll likely be caught crossing and be shot on the spot. Most people there are already too brainwashed to even want to cross the border – they don’t want to / feel a need to, because their propaganda portrays the South as a terrible place.

Borders which don’t have natural protection are indeed more expensive to patrol and maintain.

In these cases, many people can indeed cross the border and they do. But ultimately, there’s usually not even much you can do once you get there. You need some form of an identity card for accessing most facilities like Healthcare or schools, so you’re going to have a pretty bad time there.

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