– How do countries stop people from other countries entering theirs through the mountains, forests or water in the border?


– How do countries stop people from other countries entering theirs through the mountains, forests or water in the border?

In: 560

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Border security efforts in remote locations include many approaches including walls, electronic detection, air and ground patrols, tracking etc, but it is never enough.

Driven people are resourceful and creative on defeating feeble attempts at division. Not all border crossings are on land. Some by water and some by air and some with tourist, educations, health, political visas that are simply overstayed.

**FUN FACT:** The US now welcomes 1 million fully documented immigrants per year. The US resident birth rate is declining in such a way that we could actually benefit economically from at least 1 more million documented immigrants per year. Best if the rate were lifted to 2.5 million plus a year.

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