How do duracell ultra batteries have 100% extra, shouldn’t batteries be full allready?


How do duracell ultra batteries have 100% extra, shouldn’t batteries be full allready?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The size/shape of a certain battery type is set mainly to ensure compatibility. For example, any AA you buy needs to fit in your device designed to take AA batteries. Within that size though, companies can use different materials to store more or less energy (note voltages and other factors also have design ranges for each battery type too).

Think of it like a lane on the highway. Usually they are 4.6m (15′ wide). Within that lane though, you can choose to drive a cheap car that has just enough power to do the speed limit, or you can spend way way more to drive a luxury hyper car that could do 3x the speed limit easily. Maybe you need to haul something so you choose instead to drive a semi.

In all cases, these vehicles fit in the same lane but are designed to do very different jobs with different performance criteria and costs. Batteries are the same, but instead of different shapes and engine sizes it’s different internal chemistries and materials.

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