Given that fruits and vegetables are vastly different in their regions grown, the quality obtained throughout how can they maintain a consistent flavor with every single bottle, whether made fresh or from conentrates, despite wildly different flavored
Tropicana, Minute Maid, Naked, Bolthouse Farms, Odwalla (still a brand?) and I’m sure many other smaller domestic US and foreign brands…
Each bottle tastes the same everyday, all day, but real produce varies wildly.
So, how does product consistency *really* occur?
In: Biology
I have no inside knowledge.
But if the juice of one orange tastes different enough from another orange, you can tell. If they are separate.
If you squeeze ten thousand oranges all at once and blend that juice, the individual flavour of each orange is completely lost in the mix.
At scale, the juice is always going to approach an ‘average flavour’.
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