how do gate remotes work?


I live an apartment complex and have to use a remote to open the one-way gate. Once opened I drive through and the gate closes on its own in a few seconds. Could I have closed the gate on someone’s car if I pressed my remote directly after they did?

In: Engineering

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That depends on the exact model of the gate controller and its configuration. I have not seen any which allow you to stop the gate from opening by pressing the remote again. This is probably because the remote controllers are not very reliable as the signal is not always readable by the controller. So the controllers do not send out just one signal but continue to send out the signal as long as you hold down the button. This means the controller is not only receiving one signal but continues to receive signals from the remote until the user realizes that the gate is opening. Having the gate close when the controller receives a second signal would be a very bad design. On the other hand you can likely keep the gate open. In order to not damage cars that drive through and kill people walking through the gates have sensors on them to detect if there is any thing in the way of their movement. So you can block the sensors so they think there is something there and refuse to close.

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