How do image aspect ratios adjust for unique screen sizes?


I work in Social Media, but have always been confused on how our ads adjust for different screen sizes.

For example, we are told that a 9:16 aspect ratio is the best for full screen ads (think IG stories). However, since phones have different screen sizes, would these 9:16 ads be able to adjust to full screen for all devices? Or would certain devices not see these ads as full screen and there would be some dead space?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In web developement it is possible to dynamically resize content, think of how a website works the same on every monitor, but the contents may be shifted around.

So lets say you have a sqaure with text in the middle, you can tell the text of the content to resize or move if the square is a certain size, this can apply for a whole website for example, where content gets shifted around depending in your screen size.

You can tell content always be on the edge of screen and always stay x percent from the whole screen away from this other content.

The same principle applies to ads.

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