How do knife attacks in public exactly happen? What are the chances of me, delivery driver being stabbed if I just mind my own business?


So what I am wondering is: do people often provoke them, do stabbings usually happen in a fight between two people? Or are the stabbers targeting the most random people that they didn’t have any interaction with? I am talking your regular knife attack that you can see in news sometimes.

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4 Answers

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You are more likely to be the victim of a crime committed by someone you know. That includes stabbings. That doesn’t means that random attacks don’t happen, but they are less common than the media would like you to believe.

That said, as a delivery driver, you are likely to have something that someone desperate may want – food, money, etc. – and your vehicle would be clearly labeled as such. If someone threatens you, give them what they want and your odds are much better of getting out unstabbed. Thieves generally do not want to hurt their victims.

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