How do modern dishwashers take way longer to run and clean better yet use less energy and water?


How do modern dishwashers take way longer to run and clean better yet use less energy and water?

In: 8487

11 Answers

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The dishwasher uses the water, heats it up and it uses it to wash the dishes. It’s like when you fill the sink up with water. You don’t empty it it until you’re done washing. The dishwasher will use the same water and then drain it and use new water to rinse the dishes and drain again.

Here is the video showing what is actually happening inside the dishwasher.

Then when it is done, it uses heat to dry the dishes like a dryer.

A dishwasher works the same way a washing machine works but it has a built in dryer too. That is why it uses less water than it does when you do it by hand.

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