How do modern dishwashers take way longer to run and clean better yet use less energy and water?


How do modern dishwashers take way longer to run and clean better yet use less energy and water?

In: 8487

11 Answers

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Also a huge improvement in modern dishwashers is the design. Most of the old crap is either plastic or metal with nearly zero insulation. Modern dishwashers are typically steel tube with a rubber tar like layer melted onto it, and then also come with actual insulation on the outside to aid in heat loss reduction. Also keeps the noise down better.

Next is by design it uses less water, which is good. However the old gel dishwasher detergent is extremely bad, as water saving units do not drain enough water to get that gel crap out of your drain lines, which in term causes pump failure. Only use pods or powder.
Edit, I mean pods which have a small amount of gel, and the rest are powder. Thought I should clarify.

Fun fact, dishwashers use about the same amount of water in 2-3 minutes of washing by hand.

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