How do our stomachs that are protruding by bed time flatten overnight?


How do our stomachs that are protruding by bed time flatten overnight?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Food in the stomach gets broken down and partially digested, and is then moved into the intestines for further digestion. After a full night’s sleep, by the time you wake up, your stomach is emptied of food (on average it takes about 4-5 hours for the stomach to empty after a full meal, depending on what you ate). An empty stomach makes for a flatter belly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The biggest difference at morning versus at night is that you’re actually a little taller in the morning. Especially if you’re on your feet a lot or sitting upright during the day, your spine will compress a little at all of the cartilage between vertebrae. This compression is relieved overnight. Your longer spine has the effect of pulling your belly flatter. You are probably standing with better posture too, which contributes to the effect. You make/swallow as much gas at night as during the day, and your body is pretty good at moving it through, so most of the time that doesn’t have much to do with it