How do people learn skills that are absolutely deadly when executed sub-perfectly and don’t seem to have a set of easier to learn sub-processes to connect later?


You know how for example there are people who can stop their heart through willpower and then reboot it after a while? How did they ever learn to make it start beating again, seeing as it not beating seems like a prerequisite for it. Would be a shame if you couldn’t get it back to beating after the first time you successfully stopped, no?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Survivor bias. People who got it wrong are dead so you never hear about them having that skill.

I’m not sure how many skills are truly deadly when you have the proper precautions around…presumably if you’re trying to learn to stop your heart you have your EMT friend around with a defibrilator, but if it truly is deadly then you either get it right and you’re known for that skill, or nobody ever hears of your because you aren’t around anymore.

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