How do property surveyors figure out where to start?


I think I can figure out once they have a reference point, how they could super accurately measure everything from there. But often times property disputes seem to come down to a matter of inches.

How does a surveyor know *this* spot is for sure correct and I can base the rest of the measurements on it? It seems like tiny errors over many plots of land could add up to being off by several feet.

In: Engineering

5 Answers

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There’s a system with a small number of level-1 markers in a country and then many more level-2 markers based on those, and so on. By the time local land surveyors do their job they’re using level-4 or -5 markers which can be just plaques set in the curbs. They have access to a database giving the positions of the markers. Unless some gross error comes to light, these markers are considered accurate enough for property disputes.

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