how do scientists know if something is traveling towards Earth if it’s hundreds of years away?


For example, like if an asteroid was projected to pass Earth but not until 20 years from now, how do we calculate this? How is that even possible to know?

In: 25

10 Answers

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Prediction and probability are the main things used in determining the way objects move through our solar system. If we look up and see a “light” moving in contrary to the stillness of the stars, it most likely would be an object such as an asteroid or if it’s much bigger, a planet. If we can pinpoint where it is then, we can always just predict where it will be based on it’s movement in the sky. And further more we can predict based on gravity and how the object bends around the sun during it’s orbit then determine if it’s possible to hit earth, or a near miss hit to earth.

It’s the reason why Haley’s comet is so well documented, it passes near earth every 3/4 of a century. We know exactly where Haley’s comet will be in the next 10-15 passes, because it’s orbit has remained largely the same.

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