how do takeaway delivery drivers take their tips when they are told to keep the change?


For example, a take away come to £26.45 and they tell you to keep the change. How does the delivery driver take £3.55 as a tip if handed 3 £10 notes for instance?

I start as a delivery driver tomorrow and I’ve always wanted to know this. Thanks 🙂

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, how it worked where i worked was this:

The manager gives you 20 bucks at the start of your shift. This is called a ‘bank’. As people give you cash, the computer back at the store adds up the totals of the food. At the end of your shift, it all gets added together and the manager tells you how much you owe them (the store). You give them that much in cash, and you keep the remainder as tips.

If you end up short:

you forgot to turn in credit card receipts with filled-in tips


You misplaced some money


They messed up the math/someone took one of your deliveries by accident.

This was in the U.S., so the tips and wages will be slightly different. But i bet it’s much the same across the pond. Good luck and have fun!

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