How do they make the revving sounds for cars in video games?


It‘s hard to explain how I think this is so complex… basically in a video game you can change the throttle a lot. How do they adapt the noise of the engine to throttle changes?

Sorry if that sounded stupid.

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two paths to our digital sounds in games – sampling and synthesizing and then combos of those. Synthesized sounds are built from the ground up as designed waveforms and samples are recordings of things that are then made controlled by the game (or a keyboard, midi controller, computer, etc.).

So..for your example, they may literally sample a car at different levels of throttle and then digitally “smooth” the transition between them and put that overall affect at the control of your player. They may also just have a sample of different levels of throttle and let you move through that sample forward and back with the control of your player.

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