How does insect freeze spray work?


Recently I came across a spray used against insects, but that doesn’t contain insecticide and therefore doesn’t have the usual mechanism of action when it comes to anti bug sprays. The description says that

>The innovative technology uses the use of cold to solidify insects within seconds so they can be easily removed and exposed to outside the home

and that

>The aerosol has been developed without a biocidal active ingredient and works solely on the basis of cold, leaving no chemical residue or odours


but I can’t seem to understand how that can be done. Would anyone care to explain better?

In: 2

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gasses when moved from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure cool, so most likely they use this effect by pressurising gas and then using a nossle to expel the gas in the direction of the bug freezing it. (Do note this is just my best guess, I am not entirely sure if this is correct)

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