How does movement become energy?


Something like **wind** or **hydraulic** energy, I don’t understand “Why” or “How”. **When does that movement become** energy and **how**

*PS: Sorry if something is misspelled, I’m not the best in English*

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

it doesn’t “become” energy. Energy is not a substance. It’s a bookkeeping trick we use to work out how much motion or “work” is being done, knowing that that gets conserved.

When you’re hearing “wind energy” what it means is the wind is doing work on a fan blade, which does work on some kind of generator which makes electricity, which can go on and do work on something else like turning on your kitchen lights. The “energy” is just the capacity to do work. I do work one one thing and it then has the capacity or “energy” to do work on another.

It’s mathematical bookkeeping and nothing more. Energy isn’t an actual substance at all.

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