how does raw egg give you salmonella, but you can eat a whole raw egg and be fine


how does raw egg give you salmonella, but you can eat a whole raw egg and be fine

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16 Answers

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Chicken meat and eggs only have salmonella if the chicken had salmonella. Places where it is safe to eat raw eggs screen systematically for salmonella, have strict controls and hygiene.

I know that all Finnish eggs are safe to eat raw, because I know the process behind testing and tracking behind them.

You can get salmonella from anything really, any fecal-oral pathway can expose you to it. But with constant control of sources of this, it can be prevented. There is a massive industrial level systematic handling of this problem in many nations. You know if you live in one from the simple fact that raw egg is safe, because that is the hardest product to keep safe. Some places do ammonia and bleach washing of eggs to deal with this issue, however this also means that the eggs spoil quicker even in a fridge.

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