How does the electricity in our body get there?


I’m referring to the electricity that is involved with the heart beating and brain signals. How does it get into us to begin with when we are a fetus, and how does it keep being produced?

In: Biology

10 Answers

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It’s important to note that the electricity in your body is not like the electricity in the wires powering your computer. In wires, electricity means electron flow. In your body, what we’re actually talking about is the movement of charged atoms like sodium and potassium (which get in your body when you eat things like bananas!). These charged atoms, or ‘ions’, are pushed to different sides of a cell membrane, which means that charge is being concentrated in one area. When they are allowed to rush from the area of high concentration to the area of low concentration the ‘flip’ in charge can be picked up by machines like an EEG as a little blip of electrical potential.

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