how does the weight of our bodies influence the Earth? Does it influence it at all?


how does the weight of our bodies influence the Earth? Does it influence it at all?

In: Physics

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically no influence at all. Theres an [old Vsauce video]( that talks about something similar (what if everyone on earth jumped at the same time)

Anonymous 0 Comments

These “dust to dust” or whatever, answers are killing me. Don’t put too much thought into that crap. The idea that the collective weight remains completely constant is laughable. The *matter* itself is a constant, not the weight. If I walk outside and burn a tree down, do the ashes weigh as much as the tree did? No, but I also haven’t destroyed the tree. I’ve converted the wood into ash. It’s a shame that people are confused by this.

As others have stated, our weight is insignificant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Every object with mass influences every other object with mass no matter how far apart it is in the universe.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So any mass regardless of size is able to influence another mass through gravity other means. The thing is that out bodies are not actually added weights to the Earth’s surface. We are made from water from the earth, carbon from the earth, Oxygen from the atmosphere, and things like that. Not taking matter entering or leaving earth into account, before our existence the Earth had the same mass.

So what I am saying is the weight of our bodies does not have an effect in themselves. Our bodies do have a tiny tiny tiny effect if we were to jump. But then we would land and reverse the effect. Also, if everyone moved to one location, it would have the tiniest effect of the location of Earth’s center of gravity. But tiny. We all can make an impact but a tiny one.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically no influence. Using some rough estimates from average body masses found online, the total mass of all humans on the Earth is more than 10 TRILLION times less than the mass of the planet. We’re basically microbes compared to our little blue marble.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We are made up of things that come from the earth, we are part of it. And once you get rid of the body, it’s weight still stays on earth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re made of material that came from the earth, so there’s no net change in the Earth’s mass.

You’re also pretty insignificant compared to Earth’s 5972000000000000000000000kgs

Anonymous 0 Comments

A Chinese dam slowed down earth rotation (0.06sec) and moved the gravitational pole 2-3 cms because of its weight. that is the biggest interaction of human built structure with gravity.