how does the weight of our bodies influence the Earth? Does it influence it at all?


how does the weight of our bodies influence the Earth? Does it influence it at all?

In: Physics

8 Answers

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So any mass regardless of size is able to influence another mass through gravity other means. The thing is that out bodies are not actually added weights to the Earth’s surface. We are made from water from the earth, carbon from the earth, Oxygen from the atmosphere, and things like that. Not taking matter entering or leaving earth into account, before our existence the Earth had the same mass.

So what I am saying is the weight of our bodies does not have an effect in themselves. Our bodies do have a tiny tiny tiny effect if we were to jump. But then we would land and reverse the effect. Also, if everyone moved to one location, it would have the tiniest effect of the location of Earth’s center of gravity. But tiny. We all can make an impact but a tiny one.

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