How high level athletes prevent their joints from deterioration with so much impact suffered everyday?


Just watched some basketball and parkour videos and I was wondering how their bodies can handle it

In: Biology

27 Answers

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Earl Campbell needed a cane/walker by his early 40’s- wiki “at age 46, he could barely close his fist due to [arthritis]( in his hands.[[87]]( He developed [foot drop]( due to nerve damage in his legs, and has difficulty bending his back and knees.[[87]]([[88]]( He was diagnosed with [spinal stenosis]( in 2009.[[89]]( Because of his difficulty walking he uses a cane or a walker, and for longer distances a wheelchair.[[5]]([[90]]( Campbell at first maintained the ailments were genetic,[[90]]([[91]]( but said in 2012, “I think some of it came from playing football, playing the way I did.”[[85]]([[92]](

Ronnie Coleman is in a similar boat. Drugs/roids and all that aside… top level athlete not able to walk on his own by before 50.

Also remember “old” and “veteran” athletes in many sports are in their 30s….not 50’s or 60s. Most are burnt out and used up by then.

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