how posture braces weaken your muscles


I’ve been improving my posture with a chiro but the next step is to strengthen back muscles and try to keep correct posture. I’m trying a posture brace and smart device which i feel like are strengthening / training my muscles; but, supposedly these devices *weaken* your back muscles. How? And why is my back sore after using the brace or smart device if they weaken the muscles?

In: 2

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are holding your back in place instead of the muscles holding your back in place.

Muscles are one of those use it or lose it things. If you don’t use your muscles, they will atrophy and weaken as resources can be better used in other parts of your body if they aren’t needed for the muscles.

Pretend you sat in a wheelchair and didn’t stand for months on end. What would happen to your legs? The wheelchair isn’t going to strengthen your legs…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your current muscles work just fine. It’s the awareness of sitting like a shrimp that needs to be worked on. The supports will make you rely upon a device and make you weak. When you don’t have the device what are you gonna do? You are gonna sit like a wet paper towel again.

Set a timer for a minute and train yourself to be aware and mindful of your posture. You should be able to maintain focus on a single thing for a long time like your posture.