How the ancient government used to collect taxes from people in times where there was no national identify card policies to track them?


I’m not sure why this came into my mind or how the tax collection system works in different countries or even if the national identify card policy is a thing in this case but I’m just curious to know.

In: Economics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Very simple.

Let’s say there is a kingdom, that is divided into five regions by the king.

This king gives these five regions to 5 representatives of the king, let’s say they are called dukes.

Then these dukes divide these territory in 5 sub-regions, that they give to 5 representatives of these dukes, let’s call them barons.

Let’s say that there sub-regions have one castle each, and each castle has three cities around it.

Each baron appoints a mayor to those cities, and each mayor takes taxes from the people that live there, taxes that are given to the barons after the major took a part for himself.

Then the barons, while keeping a part for themselves, give a portion to the dukes.

Then the dukes, while keeping a part for themselves, give a portion to the king, and thus everyone is happy besides the people that have to pay taxes.

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