If obese people are constantly moving around 50-80 etc extra pounds, would they not logically be way more muscular than the average person?


Shouldnt large people be jacked just from simply moving around with the extra weight? Im talking about muscle mass here and not fat content. Thanks

In: Biology

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a 5’8″ woman, medium build. In 2017, I topped the scales at 275lbs…and I was hella strong. Despite my size, I did a lot of Crossfit, and rocked the strength wods. At my best, I had a 250lb back squat and an 800lb (yes, 800) leg press. My legs were tree trunks because every time I stood up, I was basically doing a weighted squat. I had the benefit of a massive body weight to use to my advantage…its amazing how much iron you can move with a little understanding of physics.

A year later, I’d lost 100lbs. My max weights were a fraction of what they had been, but my cardio was way better. At my 100lb anniversary, I back squatted 100lbs. It was a huge struggle but when I put the bar back on the rack, I kept thinking about how I walked around with all that weight on me for years.

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