If obese people are constantly moving around 50-80 etc extra pounds, would they not logically be way more muscular than the average person?


Shouldnt large people be jacked just from simply moving around with the extra weight? Im talking about muscle mass here and not fat content. Thanks

In: Biology

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fat guy here, and in addition to what other people have said, I just want to point out that when we talk about how muscular someone is, we are often thinking about body parts that have relatively little to do with moving around. It’s not like my upper body has much to do with moving around, and how much muscle there is up there primarily depends on my exercise routine and not my daily life. On the other hand, my legs have a lot more muscle, especially my thighs, because that is what I’m moving around with, and if you put me on a leg press machine, I can do a lot more weight than the average person. But thighs tend to be the least visible part of a person’s body, and someone who is overweight may also have an extra layer of fat on them, so you may not even realize that they are particularly muscular there. Also, even then, if someone doesn’t spend much time standing or walking, there’s nothing to say they will have much extra muscle even from that. If your life is bed, office chair, couch, bed, you’re not moving around much.

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