If obese people are constantly moving around 50-80 etc extra pounds, would they not logically be way more muscular than the average person?


Shouldnt large people be jacked just from simply moving around with the extra weight? Im talking about muscle mass here and not fat content. Thanks

In: Biology

24 Answers

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They could be somewhat more muscular, assuming that they’re moving that weight around a lot. Which they typically aren’t. Sometimes you can tell when they do start going to the gym, and they have a head start over skinny guys. That’s also a bit misleading, because skinny guys need to eat a lot to gain muscle, which they usually don’t, and fat guys don’t have that problem.

But there’s a limit to how much extra muscle you get. They’re moving the same amount of weight all the time. If you go to the gym and pick up some dumbbells, your body will adapt to that stress over the next couple of days. If you go back and do the same amount of the same exercise with the same dumbbells, eventually your body won’t adapt to it anymore because it’s not a new amount of stress. Kind of like how the same half-hour of sun a day eventually stops making you darker.

If you want to get stronger at standing up from a chair, you might have to squat in 3 sets of 5 repetitions, adding 5 lbs three times a week. Getting your muscles visually bigger usually takes heavy sets of 10-12 reps. That’s not a natural amount of standing up for a sedentary person, even ignoring the fact that they’re always using the same weight.

Extreme high volume at the same low intensity isn’t always the answer either. That’s what marathon runners do, and their muscles don’t get big at all.

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