Internet network troubleshooter is not what it used to be. What is it even for?


Whenever my internet is down I activate the trouble shooter and it sends me to >select network to diagnose>I’m trying to reach a specific network or folder (no)>I’m having a different problem>direct access (no)>connect to other computers (no) obviously none of these are solutions to the internet being down nor is it informing you of WHY it’s down. I can’t find information on it anywhere. Useless, useless, useless. What am I missing. Explain it to me like I’m 5.

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Part of what you are looking for is already in the standard Windows screen, notifications that internet is down -> click -> setup or config or something like that —> screen telling you where the issue is -> investigation. The troubleshoot er is more aimed at (corporate) fileshares within your own network iirc.
The standard diags isn’t perfect either so you might need to log on to your CPE (DSL/fiber modem most likely) and check what’s up with the line to your house.

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