Is it Loud Inside Our Bodies?


Weird question but the body does a lot of cool things, while eating for example, but just in general keeping us alive, pumping blood and oxygen around it.
It just kinda made me think, if we were inside our bodies, would it be loud or just kinda quiet, I don’t know if there is a scientific explanation.

In: Biology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So there are some people that have a malformation in the inner ear where they have a small hole in the bone and they state that it’s like being on a busy street all the time. (It’s called canal dehiscence syndrome)

Anonymous 0 Comments

In thinking about what it sounds like if you rest your ear on someone’s abdomen, then it stands to reason that yes, it probably is pretty loud inside the body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know the brain makes a noise, we can’t hear outside our bodies. When my mother had a biopsy on her brain due to brain cancer. They drilled a hole in her skull. When hopice would come to clean and change the bandage if you were sitting close you could hear a noise, like a faint ticking type sound. When my son asked the nurse what the noise was, she explained to him it was the sound of brain activity coming out of the biopsy hole.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They sell noise machines to settle newborns. These machines replicate the huge amount of noise in the womb (and sometimes the thump thump of a heartbeat), so yes, it’s noisy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our intestines also make noises, Bowel sounds are sounds made by moving food, fluid, and gases in the intestines, most of the time you use a stethoscope to hear it, but it can be louder. In fact if they don’t make noises for 5 minutes or longer it’s a bad sign for possible fecal impaction, blood supply blockage to the intestines or other issues. All of which need to be seen by a doctor asap, to avoid permanent damage or death.

Anonymous 0 Comments

After sleeping next to my wife fir 20 years I can say with certainty that yes, body’s are loud. And that’s comforting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Newborns are soothed by very very loud shhhhh-ing sounds, because this is similar to what they are accustomed to hearing from inside the womb.

When an infant is crying inconsolably, you’re actually supposed to match the shhhh sound to the intensity of the crying so they can hear it properly and feel safe.

It’s why vacuuming, hairdryers, and loud road noise in the car also tend to soothe a baby to sleep.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I mean it’s loud, but loud because you would have your ears directly against it (or rather in it) just like headphones can make loud music even though it sounds pretty quiet in terms of “a thing you walk past or sit next to”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Before modern imaging technology a stethoscope was the best way for a doctor to know what’s going on inside us without cutting us open. Doctors obviously still use them, but the ability to make sense of all the various noises our body makes used to be a central part of medical training. If you’ve ever listened to any part of your body with a stethoscope you know that we are indeed super noisy inside.

Source: The Audible Past by Jonathan Sterne

Anonymous 0 Comments

It varies, but it’s not quiet and also not as loud as a rock concert. Consider that your perception of loudness varies by how close your ear is to the source, and that human skin/tissue is highly reflective over audible frequency range.

I’m struggling for a good analogy, but imagine putting your ear right next to a running stream in a small underground cave / echo chamber.