Is it Loud Inside Our Bodies?


Weird question but the body does a lot of cool things, while eating for example, but just in general keeping us alive, pumping blood and oxygen around it.
It just kinda made me think, if we were inside our bodies, would it be loud or just kinda quiet, I don’t know if there is a scientific explanation.

In: Biology

10 Answers

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Our intestines also make noises, Bowel sounds are sounds made by moving food, fluid, and gases in the intestines, most of the time you use a stethoscope to hear it, but it can be louder. In fact if they don’t make noises for 5 minutes or longer it’s a bad sign for possible fecal impaction, blood supply blockage to the intestines or other issues. All of which need to be seen by a doctor asap, to avoid permanent damage or death.

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