job reports vs the job market/layoffs


The new job report says everything is fine and there’s plenty of good jobs out there. My LinkedIn is like 60% people begging for jobs. Why is there a contrast? Are these people bad at applying searching or was the whole report bullshit?

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10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The jobs report is largely bogus. Has been for decades. It is a political tool far more than any accurate piece of data. There are a million ways you can manipulate the data to make it look good. They will remove people they think “aren’t looking” from the unemployment numbers, and the job rate goes up. They will remove people who have unemployed for X years from the unemployment numbers, and the job rate goes up. They will assume older people who are not working are retired even if they aren’t, from the unemployment numbers, and the job rate goes up. The don’t count disabled people in the unemployment numbers, and the job rate goes up

It’s all a shell game designed to put out a number that the current administration can brag (and fundraise) about.

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