Picking background actors


Let’s say we want to film a new *some superhero* movie. Picking the actors we will most probably need professionals for the protagonist and supporting actors, we will have to pay them. But why pick background actors who will ask for money? There are so many *some superhero* fans out there that would just help without requiring us to pay them. That “strategy” would apply for the needed people closer and closer to the protagonist not easily but we will save some money, right?

Of course I respect and understand, someone giving service has to be paid, and I do not support any kind of labor without pay.

I hope I made my thought process clear for you and that you can help me.

Thanks in advance!

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Extras need to be there all day. Usually for several days for a shoot that lasts from early morning to late evening. You want people who are going to stick around. People doing this for free aren’t going to.

You also want to outsource it. There’s going to be an agency that organises a bunch of extras and can arrange for exactly the right number to turn up.

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