Salt…. reg table vs kosher (more below)


So table salt has iodine added. Kosher salt does not. Is iodine not kosher? Is there a reason for the kosher being larger granules? Would appreciate someone to explain this ‘cuz it’s weird to me. TIA.

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Koshering salt has large crystals to help draw excess blood out of cuts of meat, without dissolving. It’s name does not refer it to its status under religious dietary law.

Table salt, which is designed to be consumed, sometimes has iodine added because that is a trace nutrient which can be lacking in some people’s diets.

Both salts are generally considered kosher, as in suitable for observant Jews to consume. Iodine isn’t a problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Kosher salt is a large-grain salt whose name comes from the Jewish practice of brining meat, called *kashering*. Kosher salt does not necessarily mean that the salt follows kosher religious guidelines (although you can buy *kosher* kosher salt). Kosher salt does not include iodine, and the combination of larger grains and a lack of most additives makes it more versatile for culinary purposes — the salt tastes only like… well, salt, and the grains can make it easier to eyeball/feel imprecise quantities.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Iodized salt is fortified with iodine due to a history of thyroid disorders related to iodine deficiency. It started back in the 1920s or so. [Here ]( is an article about it. Kosher salt is not iodized and is unlikely to have additional ingredients to prevent caking and such.