Salt…. reg table vs kosher (more below)


So table salt has iodine added. Kosher salt does not. Is iodine not kosher? Is there a reason for the kosher being larger granules? Would appreciate someone to explain this ‘cuz it’s weird to me. TIA.

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

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Kosher salt is a large-grain salt whose name comes from the Jewish practice of brining meat, called *kashering*. Kosher salt does not necessarily mean that the salt follows kosher religious guidelines (although you can buy *kosher* kosher salt). Kosher salt does not include iodine, and the combination of larger grains and a lack of most additives makes it more versatile for culinary purposes — the salt tastes only like… well, salt, and the grains can make it easier to eyeball/feel imprecise quantities.

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